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主題: 2017年 422地球日蔬食減碳浪潮
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 232145 篇
發 表 日 期: 2017/04/23 4:28:28
閱 讀 次 數: 731
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2017年 422地球日蔬食減碳浪潮


***由英國知名喜劇演員編劇兼導演,由BBC發行的電影【Carnage 大屠殺】正式上映,以喜劇方式反省肉食者所背負的罪惡感
***CNN主流媒體出現新聞標題為"Go vegan, save the plant"的新聞內容



承諾本週持續素食,從4月17日 星期一開始,邀請全國響應

【VegWeek (素食週)】。~😍
POSTED 4:10 PM, APRIL 16, 2017, BY


SAN DIEGO – A group of San Diego elected officials has pledged to maintain a vegetarian diet this week, as the so-called VegWeek begins Monday nationwide.

The Washington, D.C.-based animal rights group Compassion Over Killing launched the annual project in 2009 to coincide with Earth Day. VegWeek urges meat eaters to switch to a vegetarian or vegan diet for the week of April 17- 23.

“VegWeek is a free, fun, and flavorful way to explore the many benefits of vegan eating,” said Erica Meier, executive director of Compassion Over Killing.

“Our dietary choices have far-reaching impacts on our health, the planet, and animals, and every time we choose plant-based foods, we are helping to build a better world.”

The San Diego officials who have taken the pledge include California Assembly members Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, D-Chula Vista and Todd Gloria, D-San Diego; State Senator Toni Atkins, D-San Diego; San Diego City Council members Georgette Gomez, Chris Ward and David Alvarez; San Diego City Attorney Mara Elliot; and San Diego Unified School District Board Members Kevin Beiser and John Lee Evans.

In addition, Rep. Scott Peters, D-San Diego, issued a proclamation honoring those who are participating “for the significant contribution that their participation will have on reducing cruelty and increasing sustainability among our community’s food sources.”

San Diegan’s who make the pledge to eat a plant-based diet for the week can find deals, discounts, recipes, tips and restaurant and grocery store recommendations at VegSanDiego.com .



所謂【VegWeek (素食週)】是由美國華盛頓特區的一個動物權益組織:「Compassion Over Killing (要同情不要宰殺)」所發起的活動,敦促吃肉的民眾能夠從4月17日起至23日,改吃奶/蛋素 或 純素。~😇

"我們的飲食選擇,對我們自己的健康、地球和動物都有很深遠的影響,每當我們選擇吃植物性飲食的時候,我們都在幫忙打造一個更美好的世界。" Compassion Over Killing組織執行長愛瑞卡•梅耶說 ~😘

而揪團承諾要吃素的聖地牙哥官員有數十幾名,聖地亞哥的主要代表 Scott Peters (史考特·彼得斯) 則發表聲明,表揚這群主動願意吃素的官員們,為了減少殘酷並照顧我們食物來源的可持續性,所作出的貢獻”。~😀

VegWeek 官網也有提供各式優惠、折扣、食譜、餐飲指南、購物指南等資訊,給有意願嘗試吃素的人。~👍



我們手中的烤牛肉三明治,正在破壞我們地球的環境!...這或許聽起來很誇張,但是有越來越多的證據,讓身為地球公民的我們,不得不正視這個問題! ~💪

在聯合國糧食及農業組織所發表的一份評估報告中指出,畜牧業所排放的溫室氣體,已經超越交通運輸的排放量! ~😱


而牲畜養殖所產生的大量《甲烷》和《一氧化二氮》比起溫室氣體(二氧化碳)本身,汙染程度又強了20倍以上! ~😱😱😱

而當政治和經濟,可以瞬間破壞一切為氣候危機所付出的努力之時,我們又該如何處理這些問題? ~😭


自然國際科學周刊發表的一份研究報告中指出 (節錄):若全球人口可以逐步改吃素食,公元2050年我們就有機會減少80%的食品製造所產生的溫室氣體。~😘





作者George C. Wang, M.D., Ph.D.,(王喬治醫學與哲學博士)是美國哥倫比亞大學醫學中心暨老年醫學與綜合醫學醫師,兼任醫學助理教授、約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院附屬醫學助理教授。

真的! 每個人都可以輕鬆出一張嘴

Go vegan, save the planet

By George C. Wang


Updated 1229 GMT (2029 HKT) April 9, 2017

Source: CNN

Would you stop eating beef to save the planet? 02:44
Story highlights
Choosing plant-based diets can promote environmental sustainability and make the world better, says George Wang
Eating meat fuels emission of greenhouse gases and turns much of the world's grain supplies into livestock feed, he says
George C. Wang, M.D., Ph.D., is a geriatrician and integrative medicine physician, assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center, and adjunct assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his.
(CNN)As public attention focuses on the impact of policy changes on the climate
we may overlook an important contributor to the climate crisis: our food systems and
the daily food choices we make. It may sound hyperbolic that our roast beef
sandwich is contributing to environmental degradation of the planet. 
But mounting evidence of the impact requires our attention and action
as global citizens.

George C. Wang

George C. Wang

And each of us can do something about it, today, by taking what we eat as seriously as we take climate change.

An assessment by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations indicated the contribution of the livestock sector to global greenhouse gas emissions exceeds that of transportation.

Emissions from the production of beef and lamb are 250 times higher than those from legumes, per gram of protein, and pork and poultry are 40 times higher than legumes. A large amount of methane and nitrous oxide, gases that are more than 20 times and 250 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, are generated through livestock-raising activities.

The effect of greenhouse gas emissions seems like an intransigent problem to curb, much less to solve. How can we play a role in influencing what humans are doing to the planet? And how can we approach these issues when political and economic forces can undermine efforts to address the climate crisis?

One answer lies in the choices that we make every day: what we eat.

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Van Jones: Trump may have signed Earth's death warrant

A study published in Nature found that, by 2050, a projected 80% increase in global greenhouse gas emissions from food production can be avoided, if the global diet is an equal-parts mixture of the Mediterranean, pescetarian and vegetarian diets.

Within that spectrum, fewer animal products are what's best for the planet, and our collective future. The Mediterranean diet alone (one that includes lower amounts of animal products) will still result in increased emissions, and the pescetarian diet (a vegetarian diet that includes fish) will lead to only a small degree of reduction in emissions.

However, a global vegetarian diet, the same study showed, would be the most effective of all diets (not including vegan) in achieving a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a decrease in agricultural land demand and land clearing.

It follows that the vegan diet, by eliminating dairy and egg, would reduce emissions the most, as confirmed by a subsequent study. Adopting a plant-based diet is, therefore, one of the most powerful choices an individual can make in mitigating environmental degradation and depletion of Earth's natural resources.

Why beef is the new SUV

Why beef is the new SUV

Beyond contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions that cause rising temperatures and sea levels, here's what eating meat also does to our world: While almost 800 million people suffer from chronic undernourishment and insecure food supplies, 35% of grains worldwide are fed to livestock.

About 80% of all Amazon deforestation is due to cattle-raising. Meanwhile, livestock production plays an important role in the global biodiversity crisis that we are now facing, unprecedented since the end of the last ice age.

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How to stop the sixth mass extinction

So, what keeps us from following a plant-based diet? It requires overcoming our habits and our tastes, learning new ways to cook, planning during travel, and navigating the social aspects of eating and meal sharing. However, when seen through the lens of the fate of Earth's climate and resources, don't these challenges all of a sudden seem minuscule?

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Choosing plant-based diets can promote environmental sustainability.

It is rare that a single choice of ours can have a broad and decisive impact on the climate crisis. We have a moral imperative to choose and advocate for plant-based diets for the health of our planet and the well being and survival of generations to come.


連一天到晚滿嘴 "牛肉" 的政治人物們,都願意吃素一週😂


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